Michaela Paul Rechtsanwältin

Welcome to my website

Good legal advice not only provides legal knowledge relevant to decision-making, but also offers economic and realisable solutions.

My advice is therefore specifically focussed on your company, your current situation and your business ambitions. This gives you clarity, enables you to assess risks and find the right solution for your company.

Whether one-off matters or long-term partnerships – together we will build up your company values and protect and develop your rights in the long term. In addition to providing advice, I represent you out of court, in court and before the authorities.

My law firm stands for high standards of performance, enjoyment of my work and transparent and fair fees.

Feel free to contact me.

I look forward to getting to know you.

Michaela Simone Paul, LL.M.
Fachanwältin im gewerblichen Rechtsschutz


GRUR – The German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property